Monday, July 13, 2020

Best 6 Questions About: How Much Do Uber Drivers Make?

how much do uber drivers make

In Answering how much do Uber drivers make, of course, everyone also gets more specific and asks questions like a couple of the ones you can see below. We hope to begin to help you understand how much your earnings can be with Uber. If you feel these answers are too general, send us an email and we will answer back asap.

How Much Do Uber Drivers Make Per Ride?

As Uber website shows so far, drivers will earn a base fare plus amounts for how long and how far they drive. They can always see local rates in the Fares section of their partner dashboard. The amount of money you earn by completing each Uber ride can be different based on elements like your region and city, trip duration and distance, tips and other. An average shows that an Uber driver can make around $15.60 per hour and this number should help you have some ideas about how much can you make per ride.

Note that this number is before expenses. Also, note that this is not what you will make at all. Different days are better than others and we find that this is the minimum we make per hour on a slow day.

How Much Does An Uber Driver Make A Day?

There are different elements affecting your income as an Uber driver and each of them varies from city to city so the best way to answer this question is to calculate according to some average data. As we said, one Uber driver study shows an average earning of $15.60 per hour. This means a total of $156 a day minus your expenses if you drive for 10 hours. While we are talking about this average number, some drivers from San Diego can earn an average of $12.60 and some from New York City can make $29.34 per hour.

So as an example of 10 hours driving a day, the daily average is $126 for San Diego drivers and Around $300 for NYC drivers. Again, we feel the low hourly numbers are low in comparison with what you can make if you do things right.

How Much Do Uber Drivers Make A Week?

One way to answer this question is to go over some information given by Uber’s website. What we learned so far is that Uber drivers in New York City are making the most money amongst all city drivers. In this calculation, they used the incomes earned by driving 40-hours a week. The chart below indicates the earnings during a week and compares them between 6 cities:

Now, these numbers clearly show the big difference between driver?s incomes in different cities. What we need to mention is that these earnings are way over minimum wage and nearly 2 3 times more in some cities.

Major city Median Uber earnings per hour Earnings per 40-hour week
New York $30.35 $1,214.00
San Francisco $23.52 $940.80
Boston $19.06 $762.40
Washington, DC $17.79 $711.60
Los Angeles $16.98 $679.20
Chicago $16.20 $648.00
Average $20.65 $826.00

We have seen drivers make $30 an hour as a weekly average, This does not happen every week, but it’s not uncommon either. So this is just for illustration of one study done. We have friends in different cities doing Uber and some cities make way more per week than others and cost way more to live in as well obviously.

How Much Do Uber Drivers Make A Month?

Based on what we mentioned previously, drivers? monthly income can average around $3000 up to around $5000 each month if we consider a total of 160 hours of driving a month. This is a fair range for a serious driver, but many people only make 1k-2k dollars a month due to not driving enough hours or because they are part-time. Uber is not going to make you rich, but it can definitely provide a stable income. It can also boost an already stable income quite a bit.

How Much Do Uber Drivers Make A Year?

With the information, Uber has provided, but also just using our own info and that of drivers we have asked, you can project an Annual income for any driver. With some simple calculations, we can say this number could be between $36,000-$60,000 and even more. But how can you earn more?

The numbers we have been talking about are the normal earnings based on what you can get from base fares plus your travel times and distances. You will have some expenses to take care of and you need to pay them from these earnings, but many of these are tax write-offs.? You can also expect tips, bonuses, special offers and promos from Uber itself. These extra earnings will make a difference for you and can highly increase your total income.

So, make sure you stay up to date with Uber special offers and try to make your services more enjoyable to earn sweet tips from passengers.

Is It Worth It To Drive For Uber?

We think it absolutely is compared to many jobs out there as Uber gives you many things a job cannot nowadays, like what you ask?

  • Flexible Schedule – Work any hours that you want, but remember just like anything else you cannot make a ton working only 10 hours a week.
  • Environment – Be outside driving rather than at a desk all-day, Socialize with new people, See so many new parts of your city you never knew.
  • Tax Breaks – You can write off many things being a contractor Uber driver, we go over them here.
  • Car Rental Programs – If you cannot qualify for a normal rental car, you just do not want to use a personal car or want a specific class of car for Uber, its available.
  • Instant Pay Daily – check out the video below, we love being able to cash out all day long when we need to do it. It has been a family lifesaver whenever groceries are running low.


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